Erik Paulson’s Coach Development Program

When you become an affiliate member of the CSW Association you are automatically enrolled in the Coach Development Program. The CDP is designed for you to progress to the rank of Coach and beyond in Combat Submission Wrestling and STXKICKBOXING.

Once you are in the program You will have the opportunity to attend three Coach Development Camps per year.  We also will be holding theses events in the UK and Australia. These are unique events because they are organized instructor training events and the material Coach teaches contains a greater depth of detail and information than what is normally taught in a regular seminar or class.

These affiliate training camps are FREE to you as a Combat Submission Wrestling affiliate! You only need to show up. The CDP was specifically designed by Erik Paulson to train new instructors and coach level instructors to advance in his systems. This program contains tons of additional drills & information designed to educate the current and future coach.

As an affiliate you will train, grow and test at theses events with Coach Erik as you progress through the program. Yes, previous experience is taken into consideration by Coach as you are evaluated. Theses weekends are not required but are offered as an additional benefit to our active affiliates.

Affiliate Training Package

In addition to the CDP you also have full access to the Affiliates Only and Premium Student video archive. This ever growing archive contains over 4000 lessons covering the following:

  • Exclusive Lessons From The CDP Training Events.
  • Erik Paulson’s Video Archive.
  • Curriculum Courses & Manuals.

Affiliate Program Development Package

  • School Program development Materials, curriculum outlines.
  • Class Flow, Class etiquette, Warm up, Positional Drills for class
  • CSW Marketing Imagery / Symbol for your Marketing / Website Content
  • Basic Internal operating procedures for a pro business
  • Professional Listing on the CSW Website as an Official CSW Affiliate.

Your monthly tuition includes the Combat Submission Wrestling, STXKICKBOXING, & MMA Program. As an affiliate you have the ability to offer all three programs at your school. This will give you, the affiliate, the ability to offer three distinct programs that are supported by the Association.

Student & Coach Rank Shirts

  • Discounted Rate For Affiliates
  • Use The Shirts In Your Testing Packages
  • Colors Indicate Level Rank
  • Easily Identify The Level of Students In Your Classes
  • Regular Testing & Recognition Helps With Student Retention
  • Discount Codes Available For Affiliates In Our Online Store

Monthly Tuition / License Fee

The monthly tuition / licensing fee to become an affiliated Instructor and/or Academy is currently only 250 dollars per month! This will give you the license to publicly market yourself as an affiliated Academy in the Combat Submission Wrestling Association using the CSW, STXKICKBOXING, & MMA symbols and imagery. Included with this package is a public listing and recognition of your status as an active affiliate on our Active Affiliate Page.

To begin your affiliation process, please fill out the form below. Our program director, Alan Baker, will contact you within 24 – 48 hours to guide you through the rest of the registration process.
