CSW 2024 World Conference

Module 1 Rigan Machado
Unit 1 Play All  
Unit 2 Introduction  
Unit 3 Guard Retention Drill  
Unit 4 Single Under Pass - Guard Retention  
Unit 5 Clamp Down  
Unit 6 Guard Retention Drilling  
Unit 7 Fetal Facing Away To Half Back  
Unit 8 Back Control To Straight Arm Bar  
Unit 9 Pancake To Short Choke  
Unit 10 Fetal Facing Away To Reverse Triangle  
Unit 11 Promotions  
Module 2 Greg Nelson
Unit 1 Play All  
Unit 2 Clinch Defense Intercepts  
Unit 3 Neck Control Counters  
Unit 4 Counter For Counter - Elbow Leads The Way  
Unit 5 Off Balancing  
Unit 6 Low Underhook  
Unit 7 Drilling  
Unit 8 Conclusion  
Module 3 Erik Paulson & Greg Nelson
Unit 1 Play All  
Unit 2 Meditation  
Unit 3 Warm Ups - Fast Hand Drills  
Unit 4 Jab Response - Cross Response  
Unit 5 Hook Response  
Unit 6 Overhand - Uppercut  
Unit 7 Jab - Cross - Low Hook - High Hook - Cross  
Unit 8 Jab - Low Cross  
Unit 9 Biceps Colliding  
Unit 10 Duck Under Spin Down To Turtle Turnovers  
Unit 11 Standing Chokes  
Unit 12 Choke Counters  
Unit 13 Sparring  
Module 4 Feargus McTeggart
Unit 1 Play All  
Unit 2 Pummeling  
Unit 3 Pummeling Off The Cage  
Unit 4 Re-Ratchet  
Unit 5 Takedowns  
Unit 6 Straight Blast Double  
Unit 7 Re-Drops  
Unit 8 A Purpose Driven Life  
Module 5 Nicolas Saignac
Unit 1 Play All  
Unit 2 Warm Ups - Punching & Movement  
Unit 3 Warm Ups - Punching - Kicking - Movement  
Unit 4 2 Punches - Evade The Low Kick  
Unit 5 Low Kick - Evade Punches  
Unit 6 Flexibility & Strength Drills  
Unit 7 Mid Technique Adjustments  
Unit 8 Defend 4 Punches - Return Kick  
Unit 9 Light Sparring  
Unit 10 Get Off The Tracks  
Unit 11 Punching Burnout Drill  
Module 6 Erik Paulson & Greg Nelson
Unit 1 Play All  
Unit 2 Scissor Sweeps  
Unit 3 Shoulder Crunch Sweep  
Unit 4 Spinning Sweep  
Unit 5 Pendulum Sweep  
Unit 6 V Arm Lock From Mount  
Unit 7 Ball Sweep Attacks  
Unit 8 Sweeps Review  
Unit 9 Framing Attack Series  
Unit 10 Rolling  
Unit 11 Conclusion