Claymore Fighting & Fitness
7540-C Memorial Parkway S
Huntsville, AL 35763
256-444-3183 | Email | Website
Ryan Rushton has over 20 years of martial arts experience, is a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Krav Maga under John Whitman, and Purple Belt Coach in Bang Muay Thai under Duane Ludwig. He has experience with real-world close combat, both armed and unarmed, with deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, where he was twice decorated for Valor for his actions under fire. He is the owner of Claymore Fighting & Fitness, where he teaches self-defense and coaches combat sports athletes. Ryan is also a certified nutrition and weight cut specialist, and has worked in this capacity with many fighters, including former UFC champion Max Holloway, UFC featherweight Hakeem Dawodu, and Ultimate Fighter winner Brad Katona.