Mauro Sachetto | 00390119539256 | Email | Website
Mauro SACCHETTO begins practicing Martial Arts in 1977 (Karate Shotokan) and he devotes himself to Yoseikan Budo. In 1981 he approaches Chinese Kung Fu, practicing different styles with several Masters such as Chang Dsu Yao and Shin Dae Woung. 1986 is the year of Full Contact, while remaining devoted to Kung Fu, he also practices Ving Tsun (Moy Yat clan). In 1989 he travels to the USA to go deeper into Ving Tsun and he is impressed by a demonstration of Kali and Jeet Kune Do. From that moment, he begins to study the “style of no style” of Si Jo BRUCE LEE and the Filipino Martial Arts. After his return to Italy, he keeps on practicing Kickboxing, Thai Boxe and Boxing.
In 1989 he enters the State Police, working first in the N.A.P.S. (State Police Anti-Kidnapping Squad), and then in the Mobile Squad and High Risk Convoy, following in 1991 he enters the Special Squads (N.O.P. Prevention Operating Unit – ex S.A.S. Special Training Squad), working undercover in high risk environment with special duties such as Investigation Criminal Police, prevention and repression of crimes involving drugs, individuals and property, undercover operations, high-risk operations, safeguard & protection services to public figures and state officials, covering as well physical training and self-defence courses to operating staff.
While operating in the Special Squads, he also devotes himself to tactical / defensive / operating study of firearms.
When you cannot give space to imagination and rules, Master SACCHETTO learns quickly what it takes and what is out of date!
Since 1992, he travels around the world to pursue his studies with a focus on American martial arts scene and more specifically, Los Angeles headquarters of the Inosanto Academy, where he is able to practice with the great names of JKD, Kali, and Shoot Wrestling.
Mauro has studied with many world renown Masters, including: Dan Inosanto, Richard Bustillo, Bob BREEN, Ted Woung, Yourinaga NAKAMURA, Erik PAULSON, Terry BURNETT, Ricki YOUNG, Cass Magda, Mark Mc FANN, Burton Richardson, Jeff ESPINOUS , Damon Caro, Nopabol ARTAN “Yussop” and many others.
Mauro SACCHETTO is a first generation Instructor JKD / Kali in Italy. He has been teaching these methods since 1992, and is certified by:
- COACH LEVEL 3 in COMBAT SUBMISSION WRESTLING MMA(Mixed Martial Arts) graduated by Sensei Erik PAULSON, and his official Lead Coach in Italy.
- Instructor graduated in London in Jun Fan Gung Fu, Jun Fan Kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do, Kali Eskrima Pangamut and Grappling by Master Bob BREEN (the 1st pupil of Dan INOSANTO in Europe).
- Appointed official representative in Italy of Master Bob BREEN and Jeet Kune Do / Kali International Instructors Association of London.
- Master of Kickboxing, Thai Boxe and K1 ( F.I.K.B.)
- Instructor of self-defense of the State Police, released by the Ministry of the Interior/Secretary of State for Home Affairs.
- Instructor of Police Close Combat Tactics and Police Self Defence Instructor, he has worked for 16 years as an Officer of the State Police Special Squads, covering as well physical training and self-defence courses to operating staff.
- WEKAF Referee/Judge.
- Blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jutsu.
- Coach of many European/Italian Champions in Thai Boxe, MMA, Submission, BJJ, Kali.
- European Champion and Italian Multi-champion of Kali Full Contact Stick Fighting.
- Instructor of Woman Self-Defence with the method “Predator”.
- Instructor of Ving Tsun.
- Graduated PSD Contractor (Personal Security Detail) in high risk area operation from Trojan Securities International of Fayetteville (USA).