Born in 1993 James Ponsot has been a martial arts practitioner for most of his life. At 16 is when martial arts truly became a lifestyle. James joined Nubreed Martial Arts Academy and began training under Sifu Luigi Cuellar and Sifu Alex Chan. In 2013 he would earn his black sash in Jun Fan Gung Fu. 2014 He earned his Initator license under the late Prof Salem Assli. 2015 he would earn his Silver Glove. In 2019 he earned his Black Sash in Wing Chun under Sifu Francis Fong. A few years later in 2022 he would go to earn his instructorship in Jeet Kune Do/Jun Fang Gung Fu and the Filipino Martial Arts under Guro Dan Inosanto. Now newly certified under Sensei Erik Paulson James now works to push his grappling skill and develop his overall MMA game. These days he works hard on his online content via YouTube, producing multiple videos a week relating to everything from Savate to BJJ.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwgh8c7DQohNO4J8Y_POOlA
Instagram: JP_Komodo
Email: TheTaoOfJKD@gmail.com
Phone: 718-309-4952