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Dan has been training at Nubreed Martial Arts Academy ( https://www.nubreedmartialarts.com/) since 1998 under the tutelage of Sifu Luigi Cuellar and Sifu Alex Chan and has been teaching there since 2002.
He is also an Associate Instructor under Guru Dan Insanto, Associate Instructor and Black Sash under Sifu Francis Fong, and an Apprentice Instructor under Ajarn Chai.
Dan enjoys teaching and continuing his martial education and is honored to be part of the CSW family.
Current Ranks
- Jun Fan Gung Gu – Senior Associate level 5 under Sifu Dan Inosanto
- Filipino Martial Arts – Senior Associate level 5 under Sifu Dan Inosanto
- Wing Chun – Associate Instructor level 4 under Sifu Francis Fong
- Muay Thai – Apprentice Instructor under Arjarn Chai
- Savate – White Glove level 2 under Professor Salem
- BJJ – Purple Belt under Sensei Erik Paulson
- CSW – Coach level 2 under Sensei Erik Paulson