CSW Poland Part 5

  1. Warm Up Adjustments
    1. Hip Adjustment
    2. Rear Rib Adjustment
    3. Rear Shoulder Adjustment
    4. Skin Pinch Lift
    5. Collar Bone Adjustment
    6. 90 Degree Spine Adjustment
    7. Front Rib Adjustment
    8. Front Hip Adjustment
    9. Knee Adjustment
    10. Ankle Adjustment
  2. Quarter Position Spin Drill
    1. Make sure your posting arm is on the shoulder, palm up
    2. Your other arm is holding the tricep
    3. Men, spin on the upper chest
    4. Women, spin on the lower chest
  3. Pulling Guard Drill
    1. From Cross Body Bottom
    2. Bridge and pull guard x 10
  4. Proper arm positioning from the bottom against the Swaying Base
    1. From Cross Body
      1. One arm on the neck, the other on the hip
    2. From Kesa
      1. 90 degrees on the floor
    3. From Low Body Control
      1. Hold the hip